Aug 31, 2016
Jack Benny stars in Suspense. Also first episode of a new podcast called "Theater of Thrills", Subscribe here:
Aug 28, 2016
August 31, 1934 - Jack Benny's old time radio show is really old this time. This is an early episode so it is quite interesting. References include the movie "The House of Rothschild", Mae West, Gretta Garbo and her big feet.
Aug 24, 2016
Tim Newell has played Jack Benny in a one man stage play called "Mr.Benny" for years. We talk about who Jack Benny was, why he was so funny and how to become the man on stage.
Aug 21, 2016
August 24, 1934 - The skit in this episode is a spoof on "The House of Rothschild", a 1934 movie about Jewish bankers. The episode also references singer Sofie Tucker, comedian Joe Penner and Hal Roach's "Our Gang" short film comedies, better known as "The Little Rascals".
Aug 17, 2016
I talk with my younger brother, Jeff Henderson, about playing the violin as a kid, getting scared out of our minds listening to Suspense, and Jack Benny Show.